
Spiced Lager
Julebryg is the winter spiced beer that the Danes look forward to every year.


Tasting Notes
Christmassy, spicy with a fruity orange note
Alcohol content
6.2% alc. vol
Original wort
13° Plato
Bitter units
26 IBU
Hallertau Mittelfrueh, pearl
Pilsener, Wiener, Munich, Melanoidin, Special W
Special ingredients
Cardamom, coriander, star anise, dried orange peel, cinnamon
List of ingredients
Water, BARLEY MALT, hops, cardamom, coriander, star anise, dried orange peel, cinnamon, yeast
Enjoyment temperature
Colab with brewery
Anders Coisbo - The Man Behind - from Odense (Denmark)

Traditionally, the taps are opened at exactly 8:59 pm on the first Friday in November and the beer begins to flow. We are proud to brew our collaboration beer for the 7th time together with our uber-friend Anders Coisbo from Undercover Brewing: With plenty of power from spices, fruity orange peel and versatile malts, our lager will put you in a hyggelic winter mood. Skål til Danmark!