Palim Palim Pale Ale

English Pale Ale
Tea time my ass - it's Beer o' Clock! And with all the trimmings: Berry, orange, toffee. We really wouldn't be surprised if one or the other Englishman turned even paler now - out of envy of an English Pale Ale made in Germany!


Tasting Notes
Harmonious, soft, delicately tart, aromatic hops
Alcohol content
5.3% alc. vol
Original wort
12° Plato
Bitter units
39 IBU
Simcoe, East Kent Golding, Golding, Cascade
Pilsner, Munich, Cara Dark, Wheat
List of ingredients
Water, BARLEY MALT, WHEAT MALT, hops, yeast
Enjoyment temperature
Silver medal at the Meininger Craft Beer Award