Schubidu Stout

Imperial Stout
Hops have a break! Four special malts make our Imperial Stout strong, dark, creamy and simply delicious to enjoy despite the fat malt beats, chocolate notes and coarse coffee sounds Black is the new Black! And when the stout bomb ignites on your tongue, you will only whisper two words: "Mhhhhh Schubidu!"


Tasting Notes
Dark, strongly roasted with espresso and chocolate notes
Alcohol content
7.7% alc. vol
Original wort
18° Plato
Bitter units
40 IBU
East Kent Golding, Perle
Pilsner, Cara Dunkel, roasted malt, wheat
List of ingredients
Water, BARLEY MALT, WHEAT MALT, hops, yeast
Enjoyment temperature
Food recommendation
Lava Cake